Google Fiber

Google Fiber's speed test first asks if you are sure you want to start this test when you aren't using Google Fiber, then it will check your download speed followed by your upload speed. When the test is complete, also the ping is shown.

Free to use

Google Fiber is free, there are no ads so the speed test earns 1 point.

Easy to use

Google Fiber didn't pass the WCAG 2.0 Level A test.

To start the speed test you have to click twice (assuming the your not using Google Fiber). So the Google Fiber earns no points for this. For a retest, one click is enough.

Accuracy and consistency

Tested with a clean version of Chromium, throtteld at 30Mbps (30720 kbps) the following measurements are done.

Test Server: Charlotte

  1. 30.5Mbps (6 seconds)
  2. 30.8Mbps (7 seconds)
  3. 30.8Mbps (7 seconds)
  4. 30.8Mbps (7 seconds)
  5. 30.7Mbps (6 seconds)

Tested with a clean version of Firefox, throtteld at 30Mbps (Wi-Fi) the following measurements are done.

Test Server: Charlotte

  1. 31.7Mbps (7 seconds)
  2. 31.9Mbps (11 seconds)
  3. 31.9Mbps (11 seconds)
  4. 30.2Mbps (7 seconds)
  5. 31.8Mbps (11 seconds)

That gives an average of 31.1Mbps and a standard deviation of 0.64Mbps for the downloadspeed. The average and standard deviation for the time required are respectively 8 seconds and 2 seconds.

Note that based on the Chromium measurements the average download speed is 30.7Mbps with a standard deviation of 0.13Mbps. While the Firefox measurements gives an average download speed of 31.5Mbps with a standard deviation of 0.73Mbps.

Based on the measurements noted above you might conclude that the throttling speed of Firefox compared to the throttling speed of Chromium is not significant different.