The ultimate speed test tests

Your speed counts

Hi, we can't run speed tests with all possible speeds. We could really use your help. You can easily do this by running a few speed tests according to these instructions.

Thanks a lot,

The tests done for the ultimate speed test test can be divided into the following categories:

  1. The ultimate speed test tests
    1. Generic (Accuracy, consistency, speed, usability, cost, privacy friendly, informative)
    2. Accuracy
    3. Data usage
    4. Security
    5. Safety
    6. Privacy
    7. Usability
    8. Accessibility
    9. Specific characteristics
    10. Ookla
  2. Speed test related tests
    1. Speed determining factors
    2. Home network
    3. Miscellaneous

The ultimate speed test tests


Generic (Accuracy, consistency, speed, usability, cost, privacy friendly, informative)

  1. API Sample Page (2022)
  2. The ultimate speed test test 2022
  3. The updated ultimate speed test test 2020
  4. The ultimate speed test test 2020


  1. Two hunderd and one point six (2023)
  2. Speed testing according to the rules (2023)
  3. One hundred point eight (2023)
  4. The ultimate speed test test 2021
  5. Updated accuracy check (2020)
  6. Accuracy check (2020)

Data usage

  1. The MB's used by a speed test test (at wireless 5 GHz AC) (2024)
  2. The MB's used by a speed test test (at wireless 2.4 GHz B+G+N) (2023)
  3. The MB's used by a speed test test (at wireless N) (2023)
  4. The MB's used by a speed test test (at wireless G) (2023)
  5. The MB's used by a speed test test (at wireless B) (2023)
  6. The MB's used by a speed test test (at 100 Mbps) (2023)
  7. The MB's used by a speed test test (at 200 Mbps) (2023)


  1. Security Headers of speed tests (2024)
  2. Pentest tools analysis of speed tests (2024)
  3. Observatory scan of speed tests (2024)
  4. UpGuard Security Rating for speed tests (2024)
  5. Immuniweb website security test of speed tests (2024)


  1. Speed tests and the Zulu URL Risk Analyzer (2024)
  2. MX Toolbox blacklist check of speed tests (2024)
  3. Speed tests and their Scam Advisor trust rating (2024)
  4. Speed tests flagged as malicious (VirusTotal) (2024)
  5. Speed tests trusted by WOT (2024)
  6. Palo Alto Networks risk level of speed tests (2024)
  7. Speed tests and Norton's Safe Web Report (2024)
  8. Is this speed test safe? (Trend Micro) (2024)
  9. Safe Browsing site status of speed tests (2024)


  1. The 2GDPR test (2024)
  2. The Sovy GDPR scan (2024)
  3. Substantive response from speed tests (2024)
  4. What speed tests do with your IP address (2024)
  5. Speed tests with a contact option (2024)
  6. Speed tests and your IP address (2024)
  7. The readability of privacy policies (2024)
  8. Speed tests with a privacy policy (2024)
  9. Ad-free speed tests (2024)
  10. Accept all cookies (2024)
  11. Speed tests with a cookie wall (2024)
  12. Users' consent (2024)
  13. Strictly necessary cookies (2024)
  14. Counting cookies (2024)
  15. Secure speed tests (2024)
  16. Speed tests in incognito (2023)


  1. Back button behavior of speed tests (2024)
  2. Abort the speed test (2024)
  3. Yes! The speed test is running (2024)
  4. Choose what to test (2024)
  5. One click speed tests (2024)
  6. Obviously a speed test (2024)
  7. Speed tests with a dark mode theme (2023)


  1. High contrast speed tests (2023)
  2. Speed tests with alternative text for images (2023)
  3. Speed tests with form label (2023)
  4. Speed tests and empty links (2023)
  5. Speed tests and the document language used (2023)
  6. Speed tests and empty buttons (2023)
  7. The zoom factor of speed tests (2023)
  8. Speed tests and the current focus (2023)
  9. Speed tests and their link areas (2023)
  10. Color blindness and speed tests (2023)
  11. Speed tests and non-accessible documents (2023)
  12. Keyboard friendly speed tests (2023)
  13. Speed test and ambiguous link texts (2023)
  14. Speed test with the same descriptive text for different resources (2023)
  15. Speed tests and the use of header elements (2023)
  16. Do speed tests skip navigation links? (2023)
  17. Do speed tests have too many links? (2023)
  18. Speed tests with valid HTML (2023)
  19. Speed tests using semantic HTML (2023)
  20. Speed tests and screen readers (2023)
  21. Achecker's accessibility review of speed tests (2023)
  22. Tingtun's pagecheck for accessibility problems of speed tests (2023)
  23. WAVE's web accessibility evaluation of speed tests (2023)
  24. Clutter free speed tests (2023)

Specific characteristics

  1. The throtteld browser test (Follow up) (2023)
  2. Does a speed test need JavaScript? (2022)


The following tests are related to Ookla's Speedtest.

  1. Which Ookla clone is the best? (2025)
  2. Are all Ookla testservers equal? (2025)

Speed test related tests

The following tests are speed test related.


Speed determining factors

  1. Ads and accuracy (2024)
  2. IPv4 versus IPv6 (2024)
  3. Speed determining factors (updated) (2020)
  4. Speed determining factors (2020)

Home network

  1. The ultimate home network test 2022-2
  2. The ultimate home network test 2022


  1. Secure browsers and speed test ads (2024)
  2. The throtteld browser test (2023)
  3. Google versus Bing (2023)