Safe Browsing site status of speed tests


Safe Browsing did not warn of unsafe content for any of the tested speed tests. For and Toast, a simple safety status could not be given because these sites have too much content.



  1. Introduction
  2. Method of measurement
  3. Speed tests to test
  4. The measurements
  5. Conclusions


Safety is the end result of all security and privacy measures. It is therefore a derivative, but not unimportant, feature of any website, including online speed tests.

This is one of many tests we run to get an idea of ​​the safety of speed tests.


Method of measurement

For this test we visit the homepage of the speed test and check the safety with Safe Browsing.

The test is invoked immediately after loading the homepage. When a speed test starts automatically, the test is started when the test is completed.


Speed tests to test

Because this is a relative simple test, all speed test used in earlier tests (the unique speed tests as collected at ZOMDir) will be tested.

Due to the subject we also test TestMyInternetSpeed. This is a crappy website which, under the guise of -we offer a speed test- only wants to obtain as many page views as possible.


The measurements

  1. Astound speedtest No unsafe content found
  2. Bandwidth Place No unsafe content found
  3. Bredbandskollen No unsafe content found
  4. Broadband Speed Checker No unsafe content found
  5. Cloudflare No unsafe content found
  6. Comparitech No unsafe content found
  7. DSLReports No unsafe content found
  8. Fast No unsafe content found
  9. Fireprobe No unsafe content found
  10. Google Fiber No unsafe content found
  11. Internet Speed at a Glance No unsafe content found
  12. LibreSpeed No unsafe content found
  13. M-Lab No unsafe content found
  14. No unsafe content found
  15. N Perf No unsafe content found
  16. Ookla Speedtest No unsafe content found
  17. Open Speed Test No unsafe content found
  18. SamKnows No unsafe content found
  19. SpeedCheck No unsafe content found
  20. No unsafe content found
  21. API Sample Page No unsafe content found
  22. SpeedSmart No unsafe content found
  23. Speedtest4.PHP No unsafe content found
  24. TestMyInternetSpeed No unsafe content found
  25. Check a specific URL
  26. Toast Check a specific URL
  27. Which Broadband Speed Test No unsafe content found
  28. Xfinity xFi Speed Test No unsafe content found

Some examples

Some examples of test results are:

Safe Browsing reports for the Ookla speedtest: No unsafe content found No unsafe content was found for most speed tests.

Safe Browsing reports for that it is hard to provide a simple safety status due to the large amount of content Sometimes it's hard to provide a simple safety status.



There are:

  1. 26 speed tests (including TestMyInternetSpeed) where no unsafe content was found
  2. 2 speed test for which it's hard to provide a simple safety status. These speed tests are

Safe Browsing did not warn of unsafe content for any of the tested speed tests. For and Toast, a simple safety status could not be given because these sites have too much content.