My speed test results

Since we can't perform speed tests based on all speeds, we could really use your help.

This can be done very easily by running a few speed tests and emailing the results to us.

Speed test to test

Would you mind performing the following speed tests?

  1. RealSpeed
  2. SpeedOf.Me
  3. True Speed at a Glance
  4. Speedtest by Ookla
  5. M-Lab
  6. Fast
  7. Google Fiber
  8. Cloudflare

E-mail template

If you participate, please fill in the text below and send your email to

Tip: Use this template.


Subject: My speed test results

Hi Hans,

With an internet plan of Mbps, I measure the following:
RealSpeed: Router , Device:
True Speed at a Glance:
Speedtest by Ookla:
Google Fiber:

Best regards,

We would appreciate it if you could add screenshots which we can use at The Ultimate Speed Test.

Thank you in advance for your efforts,